Walk with Us: Boost Migraine Awareness and Accessibility

Join the Walk 4 Migraine event 16 June 2024

Help 5 million Australians Suffering From Migraine By Raising Awareness.

Your steps get added to our total. When we reach 5 million steps we will be enabled to initiate a number of programs and plans to help improve peoples lives.

Your steps also contribute to 1 billion steps for 1 billion people worldwide.

16th June 2024
World Migraine Walk

(registraion has closed)

Online WEbinar

Total steps count

We've raised








5 million steps will change lives

Make every step you take count start now!
It takes 1 minute to register.

  • Every time you take a step it counts to the total.
  • Walk to the shops, to work, exercising around the house .
  • Help create awareness and change the lives of people suffering from migraine.

Steps 4 Migraine National Migraine Walk

Five Million Steps to Support Five Million People with Migraine in Australia

Join today, and let every step count until 22nd July 2024.

Start counting your steps and contribute towards five million steps

Tickets are free or with a donation (tax free) of any amount.



16 June 2024, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm AEST


Flagsatff Gardens to Treasury Gardens

The steps4migraine initiative is focused on changing the lives of people suffering from migraine through:

1. Increasing awareness
2. Improving education at all levels
3. Funding research
4.Supporting services for migraine.

Our Top Fundraisers

Jack Wilson

$ 538.84

Olivia Wang

$ 465.37

Noah Patel

$ 294.54

Mia Singh

$ 286.34

Join the 5million
Steps4Migraine Campaign

Register and keep sending your step counts via Instagram @Steps4migraine.

Donations will directed towards establishing two headache fellowships with nationwide access to most needed migraine patients across Australia

Let us promote better care, more education and research culminating towards better services globally

Join us today

Make your steps count towards five million steps campaign #steps4migraine Let us all be as relentless as migraine and work towards reduced disability and better brain health . Let us promote better brain health for all.

Walk Anytime Anywhere

Let us create history again- Fabulous Australia. Join us to support

#Steps4Migraine2023  #migraine